“Bioenergetics is an adventure in self-discovery.” Alexander Lowen
Like most therapy, bioenergetic practices can help you discover more about yourself on a deep level. Why bother with self-discovery? Because when you do it, you begin to steer the ship of your life more intentionally.
Why bioenergetics?
Because you use not only your mind but your body to do the work. Consequently, you get results more quickly.
You get what you want faster, you avoid what you don’t want more often, and you feel a deep sense of peace and happiness unless something specific is bothering you in any given moment.
Want more peace of mind and happiness? Begin your journey into self-discovery with bioenergetics.
Read all about it in my best selling book Emotional Utopia, for sale in any bookstore.
Or give me a call. We’ll talk.
Contact me now to set up your free 15-minute phone consultation.