

Are you struggling with psychological and emotional challanges alone? Unfortunately, without professional help, these types of issues do not resolve on their own. In fact, if they are ignored, they can cause more significant difficulties to appear. As a Licensed Professional Psychotherapist, Leah Benson will help you you navigate the path to resolution and emotional optimization using her efficient and effective methods.


Psychotherapy Counseling is a blanket term. It encompasses a vast number of methods. In fact, any method that involves at least two people and the goal of helping one of them with behavior, thinking patterns and/or emotions is Psychotherapy Counseling. No matter what else you call it. Leah Benson, licensed psychotherapist, is skilled in many methods, and will utilize those that work to help you reach your goals as fast as possible.

Depending on your goals, Leah Benson can provide you with crisis counseling, short-term counseling, long-term counseling or even coaching. In the process, you will gain new insights into the issues behind your psychological and emotional struggles. You will identify unhealthy thought patterns and form more positive habits. You might go through therapeutic experiences that help alleviate some of the symptoms you experience, and you might also learn methods you can use on your own to reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Psychotherapy Counseling

What will happen during your psychotherapy counseling with Leah, and what research in neuroscience confirms, is that you will be changing the automatic firing patterns in your brain that lead to your distress. You will begin to not only think differently, but to move through the world and to act differently as well.

Unique goals require unique time frames. Therefore psychotherapy might be a short or long-term process for you. What matters, ultimately, is that you achieve emotional success, and a healthy state of mind. You will determine what that is for you.

For those interested in the achievement of lasting happiness, Leah utilizes a powerful and effective method known as Bioenergetic Psychoanalysis, which requires long-term commitment. However, no matter what your time frame and goal, she is committed to helping you gain emotional success and satisfaction. Leah Benson is a highly trained, certified, and licensed mental health counselor who earned a degree in counseling from Columbia University. With over fifteen years of experience in the Tampa Bay area, she has developed a reputation as a reliable and effective psychotherapist who successfully guides a wide variety of people to emotional success.

Psychotherapy Counseling


No matter how complex or “simple” the path to your psychotherapy goal, Leah Benson is committed to helping you get there. Whether you want to work on resolving recurring problems or deal with a pressing challenge, Leah will choose the fastest and most effective method available from her psychotherapy tool chest that works for you. If you are looking for help, Leah Benson is here to guide you through any of the following types of therapy:

If you are dealing with problems in any of these areas, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. With an experienced psychotherapist, you can begin to resolve these issues and enjoy a healthier, happier life. Contact Leah Benson Therapy today to begin your path to emotional and psychological healing.

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Want a copy of Leah Benson’s new book, Emotional Utopia?

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