Why You Need Psychotherapy Even If You Think You Don’t

“No thanks, I don’t have problems”

Psychotherapy is not just for people who have “problems.” On the contrary, it is for people who want to master their emotional universe. Specifically, people who want to be emotional strong-men or emotional ninjas.  Because they want to live their passion. They don’t want to have to “white-knuckle-it.” In order to do the things they want to do. Or to stop doing things they don’t want to do.

5 Percent of Your Mind

Did you know that only 5% of your mind is conscious to you? That’s right. 95% of your mind is working without your conscious knowledge. Think about it. Once you learn to do something, you pretty much do it on “autopilot,” right? Well, the way you think works like that too.

How Did You Get This Way?

When you were a wee thing, you learned through your parents how to think about yourself and the world. The daily interactions you had with your caregivers left an imprint on your brain. The quality and quantity of the interactions that people had with you and around you between the last trimester before your birth and six years of age gave you repeated information about yourself. Sometimes it was positive and sometimes it was negative. As you aged, your caregivers tried (or not, which is another blog) to do the job of making you a civilized human being, fit for living in society, and destined to be a successful, independent adult. The way they did that, based on their own way of functioning (which is, remember, 95% unconscious to them), combined with your innate temperament left a lasting impression on you about your worth as a human being.

Conform or You’re Out

The fact is, you are in an impossible situation. Being a civilized member of society is at odds with your innate desire to have what you want, when you want it, how you want it, wherever you want it. Parents were themselves taught to deal with this disparity in a way that created negative internal messages for them. Because of this, they unwittingly pass on those same negative messages to you, and they do it despite their best intentions to communicate the exact opposite message. Because of their good intentions, you are convinced to “rationalize away” your feelings of disappointment, frustration, anger, fear, hatred, sadness, etc. In other words, you are coerced, albeit benignly, into containing your feelings and believing that they don’t exist.

The Price of Conforming

But the feelings do exist. They exist in your body, even if you are not aware of them with your conscious mind. This is because energy must either move or be contained, and when you do not express the energy of a feeling, you contain it in your body. So, every unconscious feeling you have locked in your body adds up to keep you from being your best, most powerful, happiest, most easy-going, content self you could possibly be. And if that is happening, (which inevitably it is,) even if you don’t have “problems,” there are things you can learn about yourself and gain from psychotherapy.

Tap into the Other 95 Percent of Your Mind

If you want to be the strongest version of yourself, body-based psychotherapy is a solid path. Otherwise known as bioenergetic analysis, it goes beyond talk therapy. You use your body to strengthen your mind.

You deserve to have it all.

Emotional strength and well-being can be yours.

Embrace your inner super-hero.

Get it started with a professional who can guide you. If you are in the Tampa Bay area, give me a call. We’ll talk.

Contact me now to set up your free 15-minute phone consultation.

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